Migrating to Spring 3.3.0+: Avoiding WireMock Issues Like a Pro
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Migrating to Spring 3.3.0+: Avoiding WireMock Issues Like a Pro

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Are you excited to upgrade to the latest and greatest version of Spring, but worried about the potential headaches that come with migrating to Spring 3.3.0+? You’re not alone! One of the most common issues that developers face during this transition is incompatibility with WireMock. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of WireMock and Spring 3.3.0+ to give you a comprehensive guide on how to tackle these issues and come out on top.

What’s Changed in Spring 3.3.0+?

In the latest version of Spring, several changes have been made to improve performance, security, and overall development experience. However, these changes also mean that some dependencies, like WireMock, may not be compatible out of the box. Here are some key changes that might affect your WireMock configuration:

  • HTTP Client Changes: Spring 3.3.0+ introduces a new HTTP client implementation, which replaces the old Apache HttpClient. This change affects how WireMock interacts with Spring.
  • mockito-core Upgrade: The new version of Spring comes with an upgraded mockito-core library, which can cause version conflicts with your existing WireMock configuration.
  • Java 11 and Above: Spring 3.3.0+ requires Java 11 or higher, which might affect your WireMock setup if you’re still using an older Java version.

Common Issues with WireMock in Spring 3.3.0+

Now that we’ve covered the changes in Spring 3.3.0+, let’s take a look at the common issues you might encounter when using WireMock:

  1. ClassNotFoundException: You might encounter a ClassNotFoundException when trying to use WireMock with Spring 3.3.0+. This is often due to version conflicts or missing dependencies.
  2. WireMock Initialization Failure: WireMock might fail to initialize properly, resulting in errors or unexpected behavior.
  3. HttpServletResponse Not Found: You might receive a HttpServletResponse not found error when attempting to use WireMock with Spring 3.3.0+.
  4. Mockito Version Conflicts: The upgraded mockito-core library in Spring 3.3.0+ can cause version conflicts with your existing WireMock configuration.

Solving the Issues: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve covered the common issues, let’s get to the good stuff – solving them! Follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition to Spring 3.3.0+ with WireMock:

Step 1: Update Your Dependencies

Start by updating your dependencies to the latest versions. Make sure to include the following in your pom.xml file (for Maven) or your build.gradle file (for Gradle):


Step 2: Configure WireMock

In your WireMock configuration, make sure to use the correct HTTP client implementation. For Spring 3.3.0+, you should use the OkHttp3Client instead of the old ApacheHttpClient:

public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(8089);

public void setup() {
  WireMock.configureFor("localhost", 8089);
  wireMockRule.client(new OkHttp3Client());

Step 3: Use the Correct Mockito Version

To avoid version conflicts, make sure to use the same version of Mockito that’s used in Spring 3.3.0+. You can do this by updating your Mockito dependency:


Step 4: Initialize WireMock Correctly

To ensure that WireMock initializes correctly, use the following code snippet:

public void tearDown() {

Additional Tips and Tricks

To avoid any unexpected issues, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Use the Latest Versions: Make sure to use the latest versions of Spring, WireMock, and Mockito to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Check Your Java Version: Ensure that you’re using Java 11 or higher, as required by Spring 3.3.0+.
  • Verify Your Dependencies: Double-check your dependencies and their versions to avoid any conflicts.
  • Test Thoroughly: Test your application thoroughly to catch any issues early on.
Issue Solution
ClassNotFoundException Update dependencies, ensure correct versions, and verify Mockito version.
WireMock Initialization Failure Use OkHttp3Client, update Mockito version, and initialize WireMock correctly.
HttpServletResponse Not Found Verify dependencies, ensure correct HTTP client implementation, and test thoroughly.
Mockito Version Conflicts Update Mockito version to match the one used in Spring 3.3.0+.


Migrating to Spring 3.3.0+ can be a breeze if you’re prepared for the changes that come with it. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to avoid common issues with WireMock and ensure a smooth transition to the latest version of Spring. Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest versions, test thoroughly, and verify your dependencies to avoid any unexpected issues. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to migrate to Spring 3.3.0+ version due to issues with Wiremock? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Below are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you navigate this journey.

Why does Wiremock stop working after migrating to Spring 3.3.0+?

Wiremock relies on the `com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils` class, which was removed in Spring 3.3.0+. This removal causes Wiremock to throw a `NoClassDefFoundError` at runtime. You can resolve this issue by adding the `com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core` dependency to your project.

How can I fix the `NoClassDefFoundError` issue with Wiremock in Spring 3.3.0+?

To fix the `NoClassDefFoundError`, you need to add the `com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core` dependency to your project. You can do this by adding the following Maven dependency: `com.amazonawsaws-java-sdk-core1.11.792`. Alternatively, you can use the `wiremock-jre8` dependency, which already includes the required classes.

Why does my Wiremock test fail with a `java.lang.NoSuchMethodError` after upgrading to Spring 3.3.0+?

The `java.lang.NoSuchMethodError` is caused by the Wiremock version being incompatible with Spring 3.3.0+. You need to upgrade Wiremock to a version that is compatible with Spring 3.3.0+. You can upgrade to Wiremock 2.27.2 or later, which is compatible with Spring 3.3.0+.

How can I configure Wiremock to work with Spring 3.3.0+ in a Maven project?

To configure Wiremock to work with Spring 3.3.0+ in a Maven project, you need to add the following dependencies to your `pom.xml` file: `com.github.tomakehurstwiremock-jre82.27.2` and `com.amazonawsaws-java-sdk-core1.11.792`. You also need to configure Wiremock to use the `wiremock-jre8` dependency by adding the following configuration: `@Rule public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(wireMockConfig().extensions(new AwsExtension()));`.

What are the compatible versions of Wiremock and Spring for a smooth migration?

The compatible versions of Wiremock and Spring for a smooth migration are Wiremock 2.27.2 or later and Spring 3.3.0+. These versions ensure that Wiremock works seamlessly with Spring and avoids any compatibility issues.